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50 Schüler*innen der 7a und 7b verbrachten eine Intensivsprachwoche in England. Neben einem Ganztagesausflug nach London und einer ausgedehnten Wanderung zur Steilküste Seven Sisters standen Exkursionen zu beliebten Ausflugszielen in und um Brighton auf dem Programm. Durch die Unterbringung in Gastfamilien und den Vormittagsunterricht in der örtlichen Sprachschule hatten die Schüler*innen reichlich Gelegenheit, ihre Englischkenntnisse im Gespräch mit Native speakers zu vertiefen.

Das Freizeitprogramm war vielfältig – neben Lasertagging und Bowling konnte auch Neues probiert werden, wie Glow in the Dark Minigolf und der Augmented Reality-Sport HADO. Wir danken dem Elternverein für den finanziellen Zuschuss zu den Freizeitaktivitäten!

“The best school trip I have ever had… I actually did not want to leave at the end of the week” (Julia)

“Our host family was amazing. Our host mum cooked the most delicious meals, and our host dad was there for a good chat at all times.” (Cheyenne)

“The school had experienced teachers who were passionate about their subject.” (Sinah)

“Brighton has a unique atmosphere that is hard to find elsewhere. You can spend hours walking around the famous Lanes area where you can find loads of small boutiques and antique shops, or head down to the beachfront to watch the seagulls and enjoy the beautiful view.” (Lena)

“My highlight of the week was the trip to Seven Sisters. The cliffs, the wind and the waves of the ocean were like magic… Definitely a day to remember!” (Anna W.)

“I had an amazing time roaming around London with my friends and taking funny pictures of ourselves and all the sights.” (Kathi R.)

“I remember coming home in the evening and being unable to express how I felt because I was so positively overwhelmed by everything.” (Sarah)

“The trip was an adventure which I will never forget, and I’m really grateful for all the experience I gained.” (Florentina)

Intensivsprachwoche in England
